Translation Guide – Anti-Doping Advice

The following examples constitute an Anti- Doping Rule Violation (ADRV):

Therapeutic Use ExemptionsA Therapeutic Use Exemption (TUE) allows you to use a prohibited substance or method when you can provide genuine, documented medical proof that it is required. All athletes requiring the use of a prohibited substance or method must have a valid TUE. All IPC athletes must apply to their National Anti-Doping Organisation for a TUE approval. The only athletes who must apply to the IPC for a TUE are athletes in the IPC Registered Testing Pool (RTP) and athletes participating in IPC sports at IPC major events that require retroactive approval in emergency situations. You can download a TUE application form directly from the IPC website:TEDAVİ AMAÇLI İLAÇ KULLANIM İSTİSNALARITedavi amaçlı ilaç istisnaları (TUE), hakiki ve gerekli bulunan belgelenmis tıbbi bir kanıt sağlanırsa yasaklı madde ve metodun kullanımına izin verir. Yasaklı madde ve metodun kullanımına gereksinim duyan tüm sporcuların geçerli bir TUE`si olmalıdır. Tüm IPC sporcuları kendi ulusal anti-doping organizasyonlarına TUE onayı için başvurmalıdır. IPC ye TUE için başvurabilecek sporcular IPC nin test havuzuna (RTP)kayıtlı sporcular ve IPC üst düzey müsabakalarında yer alan sporcular olup acil durumlarda uygunlukları aranan sporcular olmalıdır. TUE başvuru formunu direkt olarak IPC web sitesinden indirebilirsiniz.

Whereabouts:The IPC has a Registered Testing Pool (RTP) of athletes. If you are selected as part of the IPCRTP, you are required to provide information of your whereabouts, on a quarterly basis.The RTP is established from 1 January each year, but is constantly reviewed and updated, and an athlete may be added to it at any time. The IPC RTP is selected based on current IPC resources, assessment of each sport and the ranking of the athletes. If you are selected as part of the IPC RTP, you will be informed through your National Paralympic Committee. All IPC RTP athletes are required to submit their whereabouts information directly through ADAMS, which is an online database.The IPC is fully committed to keeping sport clean. If you see anything suspicious or know of any doping-related activities please contact us in complete confidence.antidoping@paralympic.org+49 228 2097-130BULUNDUĞU YER:IPC, sporcuların tescilli test havuzuna (RTP) sahiptir. IPC RTP`nin bir üyesi olarak seçilirseniz üç ayda bir bulunduğunuz yer hakkında bilgi sağlamanız istenir.RTP, her yıl 1 Ocaktan itibaren oluşturulur, ama devamlı olarak gözden geçirilir ve güncellenir ve bir sporcu herhangi bir zamanda RTPye dahil edilebilir. IPC RTP, güncel IPC kaynaklarına her sporun değerlendirilmesine ve sporcuların derecelerine dayanarak seçilir. IPC RTP`nin bir üyesi olarak secildiyseniz kendi ulusal paralimpik komitesi tarafından bilgilendirileceksiniz. Her IPC RTP sporcusu bir online veritabanı olan ADAMS aracılığı ile nerede bulunduğu bilgisini direkt olarak verecektir.IPC, sporu temiz (masum) tutabilmek adına kendisini tamamen bu konuya adamıştır. Şayet, şüpheli bir durum veya herhangi bir doping ile ilgisi bulunan aktivite hakkında bilginiz varsa bize tamamen güvenerek iletişime geçiniz.antidoping@paralympic.org+49 228 2097-130

Kan örneği alma prosedürü bu temel adımları takip eder:

Sample Collection:1. Notification & reportingA chaperone/ Doping Control Officer (DCO) will show you their ID and tell you that you have been selected for testing. You will need to show them your photographic ID, and generally report straight to Doping Control, staying in the sight of the chaperone/ DCO at all times.You are also permitted to have a representative go with you.

2. Sample provision


  • When ready to provide a urine sample, you will need to select a collection vessel. Check to make sure it is sealed and clean.
  • Athletes with a visual impairment or an intellectual disability may be accompanied by an athlete representative at all times during the sample collection procedure, including in the toilet area. However the representative will not witness the passing of the sample.
  • You will need to remove enough clothing to allow the DCO to have a direct view as you provide the sample. Athletes using condom drainage or indwelling catheter drainage should remove the existing collection bag and drain the system so that a fresh sample can be obtained. Athletes who self-catheterise may use their own catheter to provide a sample. The catheter should be produced in sealed wrapping.
  • You must provide at least 90ml of urine. If the volume provided is less than that, your partial sample will be temporarily sealed and when you can, you must provide further urine, which will be mixed with the previous sample.
  • When you have provided the sample, close the vessel, and return to Doping Control. You are in control of your sample and no one else should touch it unless assistance is required.
  • You may ask the athlete representative or the DCO to assist you when handling equipment, splitting the sample, or completing paperwork.
  • Next, you will need to select a sealed sample kit. Check to make sure that the ‘A’ and ‘B’ bottles inside are sealed, clean, and unbroken and that all the ID numbers match.
  • As directed by the DCO, you are then required to divide your sample between the ‘B’ bottle (a minimum of 30ml) and ‘A’ bottle (a minimum of 60ml), before sealing both bottles, and placing them in the plastic bag, and then into the storage box. The DCO will often assist the athlete with this step which is fi ne as the bottle is already sealed.
  • The DCO will then check the specific gravity of the sample (the ratio of the density of the sample to the reference density). If it is too dilute, the details will be recorded, and you may be asked to provide further samples.3. The Doping Control Form
  • The DCO will record all your sample details on the Doping Control Form (DCF) before asking you to check all the information.
  • You will then be asked to disclose any medication or supplements that you have taken in the last seven days. You also have the opportunity to write down any comments that you have on the Doping Control procedure, or on any other aspect of testing.
  • Finally, you should take the time to once again check all the information on the DCF. Once you are satisfied with it, you are required to sign the form.
  • The DCO will also sign the form. You will be provided with a copy of the form.

ÖRNEK TOPLAMA1- Tebliğ ve RaporlamaDoping Kontrol Memuru (DCO) size kimliklerini gösterecek ve size test için seçildiğinizi söyleyeceklerdir. Siz onlara fotoğraflı kimliğinizi göstereceksiniz ve doping kontrolüne doğrudan rapor edeceksiniz ve sürekli doping kontrol memurunun yanında kalacaksınız.Aynı zamanda sizin yanınızda gelebilecek bir temsilci için izin verilecektir.2- Örnek Sağlama

3- Doping Kontrol Formu

Did you know?A significant number of positive tests have been attributed to the misuse of supplements. Taking a poorly labelled dietary supplement is not an adequate defence in a hearing.BİLİYOR MUYDUNUZ?Kayda değersayıda pozitif testler besin desteklerinin suistimaline dayandırılmıştır. Yetersiz bir sekilde damgalanmış (etiketlenmiş) bir besin desteği soruşturmada yeterli bir savunma sayılmayabilir.